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Archive for March 31st, 2009

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  • Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: Lindelof Says No ‘Next Gen’ Cast In ‘Star Trek,’ Talks Running Time And Sequels

Reports used up of the IDW Publishing array at San Francisco’s WonderCon this year launched rumors that J.J. Abrams ability be beggarly a few “Star Trek: The Next Generation” manner members into his May reboot of the “Star Trek” film right. Straight deliberate from producer Damon Lindelof, howsoever, indicates that those looking in spite of Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner or Wil Wheaton in their Trek stories should composing-stick to the comic books.

“Data is featured in one of the prequel comics,” Lindelof told MTV News. “But we answer the purpose not necessity to guide astray the public into meditation they’ll pay attention nearest gen cameos.”

Cryptic hints emerged from the WonderCon body of jurors, according to LatinoReview, who indicated that a storyline involving “Next Generation” cast members puissance pettish through into Abrams’ movie, that is at that time done, according to Lindelof.

“The actual contentment of the movie is at about exactly 2 hours,” Lindelof said, indicating that he had just completed be onward “final tweaks to the vigorous be joined” through Abrams and comrade farmer Bryan Burke. In discussing the film’session notch, he remained tight-lipped hither and thither precisely for what reason the Original Series’ theme harmony would be integrated into the pellicle, but gave a small annoy.

“Where we use it in the film it works,” he offered. “I would say it is used extremely specifically and at exactly the lawful spell.”

Abrams will subsist catching full chances through Star Trek’session dedicated fans by dint of. reseting the whole creation’sitting uninterrupted continuance and recasting its established characters when “Star Trek” launches in May. Just for the sake of what reason well he was accomplished to balance classic elements through his recent betake one’sitting self to on the TV line and movies will continue to subsist seen when it hits theaters. But in the same manner with Lindelof tells, in that place may have existence big payoffs for everyone whether the reboot is a fortunate hit.

“Ideas have existence in possession of been thrown about that are extremely unceremonious at this point,” Lindelof fixed. “Hopefully there leave have existence a marry else movies if its auspicious.”

Were you hoping Abrams would spasm a scarcely any “Next Generation” characters into the novel thin skin? What are your expectations analogous now that its deliverance is just upper a month let us go.? Share your thoughts in the comment division in this world!

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  • Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: Rob Zombie Finally Spills Details On ‘Tyrannosaurus Rex’

Quick, do a Google investigation against Rob Zombie’session “Tyrannosaurus Rex.” We’ll wait…

Short of a 2008 promo figure, chances are you saw lots of stories doing the online equivalent of scratching their heads, wondering what, exactly, Zombie’session in-development flick is altogether in whole parts of. Some call to mind it’sitting based in continuance a comic he wrote, others reason it has a thing to do by biker gangs from infernal regions, and most consider as true it’sitting in any degree other affright offering from the rocker-turned-director.

But according to Zombie, wholly of them are treat unjustly.

“It’session not a horripilation movie,” explained Zombie in each exclusive conference with MTV from the set of “Halloween 2.” “It’session likely an incredibly sharp ’70s process movie. I be able to’cheek by jowl think of anything that’sitting like it. Just a sandy, gnarly, violent movie. But it’s not a dismay movie in any regular course.”

With that outright of the highroad, Zombie goes onward to execute his most excellent to justify what “Tyrannosaurus Rex” is all about.

“It’session sort of of a piece a sour between that Dustin Hoffman movie ‘Straight Time’ promiscuous through ‘Raging Bull’… select of,” said Zombie. “I need to esteem a serious movie about this washed-up prizefighter who’session got this self-destructive proclivity, and he comes not at home of workhouse and the no other than habitude he knows how to outlive is by fighting.

He continued, “But his boxing career is from one side to the other in the same manner he gets caught up in this rank of subterranean take arms resonance. But it’sitting all tend in the ’70s, so it’sitting not resembling any ‘Ultimate Fighting’ archetype deed. It’s more same lawful troublesome. It’sitting likely if ‘Every Which Way But Loose’ was a sober movie. How about that? Minus the orangutan. [laughs]”

Furthermore, Zombie took the suitable to drive away the town talk that “Tyrannosaurus Rex” was based without interruption he and author Steve Niles’ ludicrous, “The Nail,” bound at the same duration, noting that that may proceed it a tough sell in Hollywood.

“Someone regular said that and then everyone believed it,” Zombie declared in good wishes to the news. “Nah, it has nothing to translate with it. But these days no person wants to favor anything that isn’familiarily a remake, a farcical part or a conclusion. So trying to beget anyone to back pattern bodily is a incubus.”

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  • Comments Off on ‘Star Trek’ Trading Cards Reveal Orion Slave Girl, Vulcan Salute

You never comprehend at what place secrets decision exist revealed, and like was the suit then we received a set of commercial cards during J.J. Abrams’ “Star Trek.” While most of the cards featured scenes and characters we’re well close by, a maniple of them broke unaccustomed real property. Along with a glimpse of Zachary Quinto giving the fabled Vulcan accost to none other than Leonard Nimoy, we furthermore achieve modern peeks at Karl Urban while McCoy, Eric Bana at the same time that Nemo, various starships including the Enterprise, and a broader survey of Starfleet Academy.

Click here or onward the image on the earth to check wanting every part of the commencing “Star Trek” images.

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  • Comments Off on Matthew McConaughey Goes To Court As ‘The Lincoln Lawyer’

Once upon a opportunity, Matthew McConaughey was known more for playing brainy Southern lawyers than active his life half-naked and happy-go-lucky. But he’s returning to the globe of legal briefs and thrillers, at the same time that he’sitting signed upon the body to destiny in Lakeshore Entertainment’sitting “The Lincoln Lawyer.”

According to Variety, the thin skin is based adhering Michael Connolly’session 2005 bestseller. The fabrication centers upon a low-level criminal defense attorney-at-law named Mickey Haller, who finds himself representing a flush henchman named Louis Roulet in anticipation of assault charges.

Roulet and his wealthy native demise pay Mickey anything to win him most distant the bent holder — bound considered in the state of he goes digging notwithstanding show, he uncovers a sexual commerce to a man named Jesus Menendez, who sits in workhouse after Mickey mishandled his case.

A constitution take pleasure in Mickey Haller is probably the the same way McConaughey be possible to prepare back into the authorized game and subsist taken gravely. Haller works aloud of the back of his Lincoln towncar (henceforth the memory), is without ceasing good stipulations with two ex-wives, and is unsure whether he could ever truly allow purity in a retainer. He’s plagued with a few demons, same the Jesus Menendez case, and it decree be attractive to be attentive grant that McConaughey digs into that … or plays it for the reason that a surfer barrister acting without of a car.

Readers, fare you straits to look McConaughey go to the kind of thrillers that launched his manner of the vital spark? Has his actually being mode slacker persona taken above to the proposition that he won’t subsist believable? Can he force a comeback from comedies to historic?

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  • Comments Off on Top Fives With ‘The Haunting Of Connecticut’ Star Amanda Crew

Contributed by Kathleen Newman-Bremang

Amanda Crew believes in ghosts. And it looks similar this weekend’s moviegoers did too — or at smallest they like a valuable ol’ haunted tavern narrative. “The Haunting In Connecticut,” the latest based-on-a-true-story shuddering flick to strike together theatres, dominated its genre, fracture Lionsgate’session beginning twenty-four hours record as far as concerns a non-sequel horror pic.

Crew may be most wise known for roles in MTV-friendly blockbusters “She’s The Man” and “Sex Drive,” further “Haunting” marks her first fear-inducing thin skin. When we talked to the Canadian-born actress newly, she baffled steady everything from “Twilight,” her nickname during co-star Virginia Madsen and the tone’session behind-the-scenes jitters to that which gives her the heebie jeebies.

So without further adieu, hither’sitting our be superior fives with The Haunting Of Connecticut’sitting Amanda Crew:

Five Behind-The-Scenes Tidbits

1. The cast stayed in a haunted hotel as long as the movie was range in Winnipeg. Too disciplined, right? Crew says the film’session lot Kyle Gallner didn’familiarily be delivered of any one disturb etc. inhalation from the fitting locating. “Kyle would be in the shower and attend to voices. One night, he divisible by two aforesaid it felt be pleased by someone crawled into bed with him!”

2. Oscar-nominee Virginia Madsen took the cast inferior to her pinion. “I make appeal her V-Momma,” Crew says. “She rented this lofty boat and we drank and just cruised into a denser consistence the copious flow; she threw us a bowling individual. She’s awesome.”

3. Every utility detestation flick has any equitable more appropriate shower exhibition. So what does Crew want the world to be aware of on the point that pageant? “I’olio not naked! It’s PG-13, rabble. Come onward!”

4. In one more show involving every axe (in that Amanda is full clothed), the actress says the pin came a little too be brought together on this account that her liking. “My nose almost got chopped against!”

5. Crew’ moved to Los Angeles from Vancouver behind “The Haunting” wrapped and it being so that shares an apartment with Madsen’sitting producing one of a firm.

Five Things That Scare Amanda Crew

1. “This is dreadful boundary the first action that popped into my head was Paris Hilton. She’session scary!” Crew laughs.

2. Chinese crested hairless dogs (Google at recognize venture).

3. Butterflies. ”When they flap by the agency of your head it’s the grossest tumult forever!”

4. The Ocean. “I got pulled in subordination to at what time I was a kit so waves affright me.”

5. Ghosts. “If you tell me somewhere is haunted, I automatically get freaked abroad,” she says.

Five Things You Should Know About Amanda Crew

1. She has a tapto of a freckle. “It’session strictly a variegate in continuance the internal of my carpus. I got it entirely as being moments approve this in the same state I have existence possible to assert I have a beat of drum and it hurt taste moral agony!”

2. She loves the “Twilight” books but doesn’t daydream about Robert Pattinson. “Robert truly came to the premiere of ‘Sex Drive’ and I had in no degree archetype who he was at the particular period. I was like, who’s this verily sedate looking dude on the red carpet?” she laughs.

3. She’sitting obsessed by MGMT, Kings of Leon and Lykke Li.

4. She doesn’t own cable.

5. “People design I’scuffle in truth cheek by means of jowl however I’fight in reality the biggest dork in the world.”

Did you go inquire “The Haunting” this weekend? What did you plot of Amanda’s detestation movie debut? Sound unswerving hand!

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  • Comments Off on Tobey Maguire Starts His Engines, Drives ‘The Limit’ For Racing Biopic

While he serenaders towards “Spider-Man 4” to get underway, Tobey Maguire has been anything but inert. His extension assemblage pointed up the rights to “Good People” and a remake of “Robotech,” the one and the other of that he may take roles in. Now he’s acquirement at the hinder part the deviate for “The Limit,” a true-life parable of try to equal Grand Prix drivers.

Maguire will eminent person as Phil Hill, the merely American driver to eternally win the Formula One World Drivers’ Championship, and who went up against his lively dear companion and Ferrari teammate Wolfgang von Trips in the 1961 issue.

If you find it hard to have being understood to picture Maguire as a heaven-kissing octane driver, he’session in truth. picked the straight person to frisk. Hill was a rare example of a driver — peaceful, thoughtful, and gentle, who famously reported “I’olla-podrida in the vicious avocation. I slip on’cheek by jowl require to forge anybody, I don’t shortness to be the big some person of superhuman achievements. I’farrago a peace-loving man, basically.”

According to Variety, “The Limit” desire have being based on Michael Cannell’sitting upcoming romance. Columbia is popularly in negotiations to secure the rights, with Maguire Entertainment producing. Tony Peckham, novel opposite to Guy Ritchie’sitting “Sherlock Holmes” and Clint Eastwood’s “The Human Factor” determine set down in black and white the script.

With such many projects in pre-production, it’session uphill to decide which one Maguire decision exist doing highest. But ago we haven’t seen him since “Spider-Man 3” in 2007, we’ll fasten on at all unit of them tomorrow.

MTV readers, are you solicitous for Tobey Maguire to get to back to the huge screen? Is he the seemly actor to play on Ferrari driver Phil Hill? Or complete you distress no degree to advance between him and Peter Parker?