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Mr. Cartoon Paints ‘Fast & Furious’(ly)

Posted on: March 27, 2009

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FAST & FURIOUS: Mister Cartoons Original Film-Inspired Billboard – Watch greater degree free videos

I was favorable plenty to catch a preview screening of Fast & Furious precisely continue night.  My reconsideration is under lay an embargo upon instead of it being so that, but I faculty of volition say that the movie certainly does take on an added constituent in a theater crowded by the public yelling “Damn!” at the sift.  Consider that more race of endorsement with a view to ticket power.

Graffiti master-hand Mr. Cartoon lately took to the streets of L.A. to be the occasion of a one-of-a-kind billboard.  He teamed up by other artists Toomer and Revok, the modern of that we absolutely hope is named for Darryl Revok.  Check disclosed the vid atop of.