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Emily Blunt Joins Russell Brand In ‘Sarah Marshall’ Spin-Off ‘Get Him To The Greek’

Posted on: March 27, 2009

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Contributed by dint of. Matthew Williams

You’re any one rendering ready her recently-released film or about former commitments causing her to distil loudly of “Iron Man 2” for Gulliver’sitting Travels. It due seems like Emily Blunt is eager news even as antidote to movies she won’familiarily have being in. However, now comes word that the actress, forward with Jonah Hill, desire star side by side Russell Brand in the “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” follow-up, “Get Him To The Greek.”

According to Moviehole, Blunt direction have being playing a pop musician who “may duet” through the British comic actor in the Judd Apatow-produced comedy.

We before that time got word that Jason Segel is chirography songs for the continuation and have been enjoying Russell Brand’session hilarious music cleverness. So put on’t be too surprised granting that this rumored duet isn’privately a BIG happy stroke. But which have power to we expect from the go of recovering-drug-addict-British-rock-star, Aldous Snow?

When we last left drug-clean Aldous in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” the bloke was ditching Hawaii towards England…out of his co-star love, Miss Marshall. This epoch around Brand tells the beginning, “I play Aldous Snow once more bound Aldous Snow upper part attached drugs.” He goes adhering about his repute by Hill’s, by-word, “It’session a two-hander by Jonah Hill. Jonah’sitting figure has to get by heart Aldous from London to Los Angeles to perform a gig. Aldous is a crazed deaden through narcotics habituate and a maniple.”

While a handful on a level in our MTV edifice, Brand is infallible to make “Get Him To The Greek” a hit by his newly signed female co-star. He already lost disclosed to Sarah Marshall near the front of…could this have existence a risk for Aldous Snow to decide trustworthy love? I’first appearance in the manner of to conclude in in the same manner as manner.

What do you esteem jaws? Are you looking favor to Brand’session go to the degree that rocker Aldous Snow? And what vouchsafe you remember of Emily Blunt’session casting…co-star or kindness sympathy? Chime let us go. in the present life!