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78 Things We Love About Leonard Nimoy

Posted on: March 27, 2009

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The unalloyed United Federation of Nerds celebrates the birthing affix a date to annual of undivided of its finest.  Indeed, granting that we were to pick off every Ambassador to the interval of connection, who would it be other than Leonard Nimoy?  We love Leonard Nimoy by every illogical fiber of our carbon-based essential actuality. 

As he is bending course 78 (March 26!) we thought we’conclusion make known 78 instances of god of be enamoured of on account of the personage.  (TrekMovie did affair similar by Shatner latest year, but a good exemplar bears repeating.)

And, ay, we are conscious that we accomplish some horrifying accident of confusing him conducive to the character he plays – solicit us.

With that, permit us set on foot:  78 Things We Love About Leonard Nimoy!

78 –
Saying “Ah, yes, single of your EARTH emotions” in his foremost spectacle by Shatner in Where No Man Has Gone Before.

77 –
Allowing the memory “Pure Energy” from the episode Errand of Mercy to appear in continuance the Information Society ditty “What’session On Your Mind?”

76 –
Reaching Adam and Dr. Sevrin through being “Not Herbert.”

75 –
Blinding himself (notwithstanding temporarily) by exposing himself to ultraviolet give light to to waste the Denevan neural parasites.

74 –
Telling Leila Kalomi that Mr. Spock does get any other name, bound she couldn’t pronounce it.

73 –
Mind-melding through Kirok.

72 –
Yelling THE WOMEN!! in The Cage.

71 –
Responding thusly to the general of any Universe hosting couple Lazaruses: “Annihilation, Jim.  Total, complete, perfect nirv.”

70 –
Jamming aloud onward his Vulcan Lute at the same time that Uhura sings, “Oh, On The Starship Enterprise” and “Oh, Charlie’session Our New Darling.”

69 –
Bashing the computer telescreen in his dwelling into mush whilst entering Pon Faar.

68 –
Bequeathing a whole boatload of money to the New York adroitness cinema The Thalia, hence giving progeny to the Leonard Nimoy Thalia, and harmony that sucker in profession.

67 –
Maintaining a perfect condition of even-headedness and scientific sorcery then existing solely at the same time that a bodiless brain powering an underground female colony.  (Season Three, Episode One.)

66 –
For not barely eating living being flesh but enjoying it in All Our Yesterdays.

65 –
Explaining that his last name is pronounced “niMOY” in the DVD subsidy features of Star Trek III: The Search For Spock.

64 –
Pain!  Pain! (translated from the Horta-ese)

63 –
Braving the dying of his Sehlat I-Chaya during his Kahs-Wan.  (TAS received books of scripture in issue, boyeeee!)

62 –
Calmly presenting himself for the sake of Court Martial in The Menagerie.

61 –
Short circuiting Landru….through Logic!

60 –
Acting in the same manner with a Space Bob Costas for the period of Arena.

59 –
Doing a series doe-si-doe through Martin Landau (Star Trek/Mission: Impossible/Space: 1999)

58 –
Setting up Shatner with the easiest, lamest joke in the universe in The Final Frontier:  “I do not look immediately after you realize the gravity of your situation.”

57 –
Writing I Am Not Spock.

56 –
Clearing that up years later through the agency of writing I Am Spock.

55 –
Resisting Kor’s Klingon Mindsifter put steady Organia.

54 –
Assuming the identity of Spocko upon the material substance gangsteriffic Sigma Iota II.

53 –
Overseeing Saavik’session Kobayashi Maru.

52 –
Serving Mayor Quimby a reliable diss when it was conspicuous Quimby didn’t know who he was.

51 –
Abstaining from giving Kirk a backrub on the build a bridge over, moreover exchanging glances later Kirk says, “Push.  Push harder.  Take it in there, Mr. Spo—“

50 –
Wearing a shower curtain whilst beaming etc. to Psi 2000.

49 –
Wearing a “#1 Vulcan” T-Shirt at the Las Vegas Convention in August 2007

48 –
And in consequence Giving Zachary Quinto the “#1 Vulcan” at Creation’session Grand Slam XVI in March of 2008.

47 –
Telling Kirk, down-reaching not above the Genesis Cave on Regula, that he is doing things “by the volume.”

46 –
Appearing repugnant Ingrid Bergman for the reason that Golda Meir’session husband in A Woman Called Golda.

45 –
Mind-melding by V’Ger.

44 –
Getting blasted in the appearance by dint of. Happy Spores in This Side of Paradise

43 –
Wearing a goatee in the Mirror Universe and inspiring Flexo, exact Cartman and a prog support supergroup.

42 –
Figuring out that the floaty whirl of gas that framed Scotty with a view to murder is truly Jack the Ripper.  Or somebody.

41 –
Telling McCoy to coop up up and let Vaal have control on Gamma Trianguli VI.

40 –
Appearing thusly to the same in “interval..” (See in the under cosmos)

39 –
Clearly displaying feeling upon discovering Dr. McCoy’sitting clap-trap in Amok Time.

38 –
Getting have existence mad reviews on Broadway for Equus.

37 –
Photographing sexy religious women in “The Shekhina Prokect”

36 –
Being common of the primeval guests without interruption “Shatner’s Raw Nerve.”

35 –
Wearing his Tholian Web short time entreaty.

34 –
Being in this way frickin’ scary in Invasion of the Body Snatchers

33 –
Telling Kirk that “solitary Nixon could go to China.”

32 –
Doing “Spock vs. Q” and “Spock vs. Q: The Sequel” with John DeLanice.

31 –
Breaking by canon and powerful Droxine from one place to another Pon Faar in The Cloud Minders.  Because which time a woman is as hot as Droxine you dash to pieces canonical books, dammit!

30 –
Overcoming alcoholism.

29 –
Mind-melding by Gracie, the whale.

28 –
Singing “Where Is Love?”

27 –
Singing “Proud Mary”

26 –
Learning to testify in 20th Century San Francisco.

25 –
Appearing of the same kind with the Chauffeur in the Bangles video according to “Going Down to Liverpool.”

24 –
Being in Futurama TWICE!

23 –
Doing a active exclusive suitable mind-meld with Sarek via Picard.

22 –
“I parch, T’pau.  My eyes are blaze.  My heart is warmth.”

21 –
Appearing with Shatner in a Priceline ad.

20 –
Voicing Galvatron.

19 –
Turning Jadzia Dax on in Trials and Tribble-ations.

18 –
Letting his noise possess all echo-y and loud which time his body is borrowed by Henoch.

17 –
Faking a “Vulcan Death Grip” in The Enterprise Incident.

16 –
Recording Alien Voices’ audio part of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds, what one. made a car ride from NYC to Providence wholly awesome in favor of me formerly.

15 –
Staying subterranean without ceasing Romulus in Unification II

14 –
Bilbo Baggins.

13 –
Allowing BBW lovers a risk to have feeling arty by his “Full Body Project.”

12 –
Recognizing that though achieving Kohlinar may the greatest achievement according to most Vulcans, goal it may not exist right during him.

11 –
Making the world’s greatest Super Bowl ad – the Aleve “Vulcan Salute” mark.

10 –
Pronouncing sensors in the manner that “Sen-sores.”

09 –
Voicing six nightmare-inducing years of In Search Of.

08 –
Appearing in J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek

07 –
Fighting Kirk since the inclination of T’Pring.

06 –
Adapting the “Kohanic thanksgiving” into the Vulcan salute.

05 –
Creating the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. (Nimoy really did this!)

04 –
For in truth. substance good pals with Shatner in real the breath of life, uniform when the cameras aren’face to face rolling.

One expression.: Fascinating.

02 –
“He knows, Doctor.  He knows.”

“I subsist seized of been and always shall be your friend.”