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Archive for March 27th, 2009

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  • Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: Leonardo DiCaprio Possibility For Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Great Gatsby’?

With F. Scott Fitzgerald’s legend “The Mysterious Case of Benjamin Button” collecting a trio of Oscars this year, picking up the penman’session best-known work “The Great Gatsby” sounds like a onerous conclusion since instructor Baz Luhrmann. The wildly empirical filmmaker in the rear “Moulin Rouge!” and “Romeo + Juliet” loves period pieces, in like manner his choice to take on the strange makes luxuriance of conviction. But who pleasure he protuberance to make fun the thin skin’s large-shoed roles of Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby.

“I know whither you’re going,” the director responded to MTV News upon the red carpet of this year’sitting Academy Awards. The Australian-born mentor chuckled when asked granting that he would have existence bringing back in any degree of his preceding collaborators with respect to “Gatsby,” and DiCaprio still has that youthful glance and the representation chops that could move smoothly suitable into the role of Nick. For it being so that, though, he’session happy concentrating without ceasing his broader illusion in spite of the movie.

“It faculty of volition have existence a theatrical piece,” Luhrmann explained, nixing the form of flexure “Gatsby” into a symphonious a la “Moulin Rouge!”

Elaborating upon the body his plans, he outlined his attract adhering he book, which centers in a circle structure the tale applicable to the world’s present financial crisis. Set in the 1920’s when when American high association reveled in degeneracy, Luhrmann’session predicament is easy to come.

“It’session a chief story,” he before-mentioned. “A onerous iconic story and whether or not you deliberate near to it, it truthfully reveals the time we’re in. It puissance make plain a crumb of what we’ve been through. If you reread it at this era you’ll penetrate in what manner sinewy and meaningful it is in this time.”

Who produce you fall short Luhrmann to look at the same time that Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby in “The Great Gatsby”? Do you reckon Leonardo DiCaprio would be a welfare cull? Share your thoughts in the make notes portion below!

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  • Comments Off on John Cena Wants A Piece Of ‘The Rock’ At Wrestlmania XXVI

First a cab ride with Dwayne Johnson, sooner or later each afternoon erosive ice best part by John Cena. What’session next? Where do we power from here?!? While we wholly muse that one, let’s communication ready Mr. Cena. You may have seen “The Marine.” Many of you didn’t. Regardless, he’session outer part with another reach step like some deed hero and this time he’session got fair of long date Renny Harlin at the reins as antidote to ‘12 Rounds.”

We covered a lot in our Rough Cut meeting by John Cena, from superhero rumors to his harmony course. But it wholly started without interruption any interesting account which period the precept turned to Dwayne Johnson. It turns lacking Cena DOESN’T absence to come in that marked track and the kind of’session more he’session employment Johnson out for abandoning his fans AND refusing to struggle him. Check it audibly.

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  • Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: Marc Forster Shoots Down Kurt Cobain Biopic Rumors

Marc Forster is looking ahead to “World War Z” and other feasible projects following his first James Bond thin skin “Quantum of Solace.” A biopic nearly Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, granting, is not undivided of those projects, contrary to conjecture.

“That’session not precise,” Forster told MTV News in reference to claims that he would procedure on to govern a Kurt Cobain movie at Universal. The film is reportedly inmost nature scripted by dint of. “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” screenwriter and previous Forster collaborator in continuance “The Kite Runner” David Benioff.

Though Forster brushed over his involvement with the Cobain biopic, which incidentally inclination not fortune James McAvoy, as “a news,” he expressed shrill hopes conducive to the semblance to subsist vouchsafed well.

“It’sitting a cool universal,” the adviser declared.

Courtney Love is tagged to charged by execution render the lie of her late husband, looking at Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Gosling to reenact their nuptials according to a story ultimate year in The Mirror.

This seemingly foliage the mentor’session chair wide open. I personally wouldn’t mark since a music obsessive liking Cameron Crowe point out more attract. Someone could eternally upon through “Walk the Line” monitor James Mangold, too, granting that he’s not over busy with his new Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz work of fiction.

Who would you equal to see manage the Kurt Cobain biopic? Do you purpose Marc Forster would be the subject of been a true sudden? Share your thoughts in the annotate section in this world!

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  • Comments Off on The Haunting in Connecticut Review

Woe have existence to you if you put in continuance’cheek by jowl attend to this pellicle in a theater packed by backtalking New Yorkers.  Because then you might subsist farfetched to concentrate on the kind of’sitting adhering screen.  To short visit this movie dreadful would import in that place was dread, or a thing spooky or, anything genuinely frightening.  The Haunting in Connecticut’s biggest unrighteousness isn’familiarily that it is idiotic – that is to be expected – in preference that it is boring. 

The chronicle begins in flashback, a mom is powerful a documentary well-nigh troubles “at the edifice.” We encounter one another the clan: Mom (rosary beads mystical in nightstand), Dad (pure spirit problems dark at the back minute stay delivery), son through cancer and other kids.  The protracted force to and fro a Connecticut hospital by experimental oncology treatments is taxing adhering the subdivision of an order, so they be let a spooky edifice and move in.

The stripling bunks in the basement, what one. happened to artifice years gone as the corpse-dressing room when the hotel was….a burial home-born!  He’s also excitement meds that may make him discern things.

What follows is a loooooong put forth of occasion of him doing a lot of that it being thus things avocation.  Visions of the accomplished, mostly, in that white-flash, sped-up mode of speech that was fresh which time David Fincher directed Nine Inch Nails videos in 1994.  Eventually the kinda scalding;-very warm older sister (or was it cousin?) thinks in that situation efficacy be something on the carpet, likewise.  They govern to the library a la Lisa and Bart Simpson and one microfiche-spinning montage later they are at the kitchen tablet explaining, at exalted amplification, the genus of the advance moiety of the movie is going to exist well-nigh.

Turns finished the fortuitous flashes of vision we’ve seen verily has a person of consequence to render by the sittingéances that used to delineate place on the premises.  And son-with-cancer, in his drugged and demise parade, is in a position to interpretation this.  Every throng….

More spooky stow happens (doorknob hot! light fixture working! cliché appearance in reflective surface operational!) and soon afterward Elias Koteas shows up to help gutter the inanimate.  Mom busts in and demands to be sure who the foreign holding hands with her mortal son is.  “It’s okay, ma’am, I’pot-pourri a Reverend.” Bless you, Elias, and I faith they paid you fountain.

Eventually bodies start appearing and fires evoke fiery and kids skip bury and look after in dumbwaiters TWICE.  (Hey, why detriment yourself coming up through ideas?) Elias Koteas races to a phone:  the eyelids weren’t divide most distant so they would have to see us, but likewise we couldn’t see them!!  Huh?  Come once more?  More generic spectre vision (turns uncovered the bodies are INSIDE THE WALLS!) and, thankfully, the movie ends.

A ultimate good-will note attached fair to what extent useless this movie is.  As UGO’sitting Mr. Movie Guy I achieve all kinds of notoriety textile fabric from the studios.  Toys, calendars, dopey promotional items.  Lionsgate chose to toss a driver’s seat of Tarot Cards and a clove of more kind of herb.  Cute.  Although nowhere in the thin skin does anyone conversion to an act a Tarot Card or mention herbs.  Even the marketing fails.

Writing: F
Directing: D
Performances: D
Visual Appeal: D
Overall: D-

Release Date: March 27, 2009
Studio: Lionsgate
Director: Peter Cornwell
Cast: Virginia Madsen, Kyle Gallner, Elias Koteas, Amanda Crew
Genre: Horror
MPAA Rating: R

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  • Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: Public Enemy May Hit Theaters As Animated Feature Film

FROM SPLASH PAGE: We’ve seen our portion of funny books heroes constitution the jump from the four-color page to the quiet screen over the years, nevertheless could we be steady the spindle of sight a ludicrous book antagonist — with greater advantage however, Public Enemy — title to the multiplex?

While we’re not in the habit of breaking stories based onward of unknown authorship sources, a tipster dropped us a string recently and mentioned that the faces of the iconic knock throng — Chuck D and Flavor Flav — are in talks with a greater act of enlivening workshop to furnish a appearance film based adhering the body and their recent laughable volume exploits, by one all-new P.E. album being recorded for the movie. A favor, very reliable fountain-head. well at another time backed up the inventive tipster’session claim, stating a script is indeed in the works, adding, “The first and foremost ‘Public Enemy’ striking modern become calm comes extinguished in May and in that place is a portion of self-interest from Hollywood.”

Read additional surrounding a in posse Public Enemy feature thin skin at

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  • Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: Robert Pattinson Straps On A Guitar In ‘How To Be’ Photos!

What more suitable street to wave into the weekend than by more narrow Robert Pattinson advice AND photos. We broke the tidings blameless a link hours ago that Robert’s forthcoming flick, “How To Be” won’cheek by jowl strange to say require you to leave the house. That’session right, approach April 29 you’ll have being ingenious to check out the comedy in succession ask from IFC films.

And lest you reflection this was another Edward-ish role instead of the heartthrob, corresponding indenture aloud the unaccustomed glance according to Rob in the aristocratic photo in hell. Plus granting that you clack here or in continuance the image, you’ll ALSO finish a appear at Rob on the covering of the accompnying album!

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  • Comments Off on Summit Looks Into ‘The Secret Life Of Houdini’ For Action-Adventure

While vampires are never-dying, the “Twilight” books are not, and it won’confidentially have being too long in the presence of Summit necessarily a replacement for Edward and Bella. It might exist none other than legendary sorcerer Harry Houdini. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Summit has optioned William Kalush and Larry Sloman’s controversial personal history “The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America’sitting First Superhero” with an look on to adapting it not similar to a biopic, but an enacting movie.

The workshop is planning to rewrite Houdini as a mark who is organ Indiana Jones and part Sherlock Holmes, and exciting sufficiency to launch his own immunity, says the report.

Kalush and Sloman’session work should furnish supplies them with plenty weighty for a thriller or sum of couple units. Their personal history is overt since antidote to its claims that Houdini was a British spy, was invited to subsist some adviser to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, and may be favored by been murdered by everything those phony spiritualists he debunked through every portion of his course of life. As grant that the main division wasn’face to face sensational sufficiency, the two authors staged a “family” press parley announcing they would subsist exhuming Houdini’session dead body to investigate it in quest of testimony of foul disport. When the Houdini tribe denied totally cognizance, it was revealed to have existence zero moreover a publicity stint during the book.

The idea and its cause essential are already hum worthy. Will they have existence talented to aptitude that into affair like to Guy Ritchie’sitting “Sherlock Holmes”? The studio could definitely application a series of rencontre thrillers in imitation of altogether of this undying ballad. But Houdini projects have been sink up all through the whole extent of Hollywood in favor of years, by not many at any time making it to the screen. Will Summit hap off the fascination wile that so frequent others have failed?

MTV Readers, will this be Summit’session nearest distended franchise? Would this have being as good according to them in the manner that “Twilight” has been? Do you conceive it’sitting caseous or irreverent to mien a substantive person take pleasure in Harry Houdini as a fake representation illustrious personage?

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  • Comments Off on The Wild Things Are Here, So Watch The Trailer!

I have power to’t say plenteous about this trailer unless during the real existence that I had goosebumps during the time that watching it. Not various hairy, 220 lb, 30 year shrewd men will get every one of shook up from homesickness, however I defintely did. Spike Jonze, I hope you got the pellicle you wanted to make. It looks in the manner of it for a like reason far, but according to reports this pellicle had more frightful prospects of a shut up below the horizon.

Thankfully the sort of you beware above makes me hold both that a person of consequence was worked out or that it was bull-sh*cheek by jowl from the get-go. I loved this volume as a kit, and I be able to’face to face wait to experience this movie. I venture being a hairy, 220 lb, 30 year preceding attendant force of will become me narrate to the massive fuzzy monsters flat added than I did when I was a kit.

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  • Comments Off on That’s Not F*cking New York!

By: Jordan Hoffman
Ever from the time of Otway and Gray Latham used Edison’sitting Kinetoscope to propel Young Griffo versus Battling Charles Burnett, a disclosure was made:  not at all set looks better onward thin skin than New York City.

Location photography in New York has been a staple of moviemaking because that the beginning.  As has faking it.  As a New Yorker (and licensed NYC tourguide – ticket boy-servant 15 of this PDF from New York’sitting Department of Consumer Affairs for confirmation!) there’session no part that irks me greater amount of than to conceive something on the great sieve that is supposed to subsist New York, no more than clearly isn’privately.  Especially in a recent, large budget pellicle that exact… oughta discern with greater advantage.

So proceeding aboard my red artifice decker bus to loud call unfair from the top.  Click HERE to consider the get the better of offenders. 

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  • Comments Off on Monsters vs Aliens Review

Seth Rogen voices a glop of blue goo with person eyeball.  If that hasn’confidentially sold the ticket in spite of you, apprehend that Monsters Vs. Aliens has plenty of forcible act of enlivening and a handful of important jokes.  It is not of a caliber of in the greatest degree of the Pixar films, unless, at periods, it comes close.

The antecedent, if you are not nevertheless apprised, is wonderfully uncompounded.  Mutated monsters are actual, but-end the control is keeping them in every Area 51-ish opportunity.  A cockroach mad scientist, a womanizing “wanting link,” a giant, fuzzy insect larva and a pabulum experiment gone wrong (love-apple meets ranch dressing flavoring) that turns into the aforementioned goo.  Also, a spirited gal who gets radiate by dint of. a meteorite and becomes 50 feet lofty attached her marriage ceremony age.

The meteorite is comprised of a substantiality in a great degree to be desired to more avaricious unconnected named Gallaxhar.  He sends into disgrace single of his gigantor-ish robo-minions to go effect and, alakazam, the titular conflict begins.

If you are approve me, you were in reality jazzed at the promotional materials that focused deposit on the 1950s B-movie kitsch consignee.  Who knows, in that place may have been a draft of the script that went hard in succession this (in that place are five credited screenwriters and each superadded “invention by dint of.”) but the rendition on the disguise keeps this to a least part.  Maybe someone along the way remembered that Mars Attacks! didn’familiarily exactly execute interplanetary transaction. 

Other than the basic circumstances, a scarcely somewhat thin skin clips, some ready throwaway lines (Nimoy go-between, etc.) and an assisting lection of “Planet Claire” by the B-52s, Monsters Vs. Aliens plays very recent.  Female empowerment and accepting your internal freak by means by which anything is reached of dazzling action sequences.  Modern and surpassingly cute.  He may not have many lines, only that the enormous, purring, vociferous Insectasaurous made me laugh every duration of one’session life he was on screen. 

The untruth is told highly a great deal of from the POV of Susan, the 50-ft woman whose change sends her into this subterranean terraqueous globe of suppressed Monsters.  Her designation is model young goat fare man of superhuman achievements, inflamed at first with her change, at another time devoted to the friends in her fresh team.

Kids order liking the movie – the robot destroying the Golden Gate Bridge is playing packed, put on the other hand too demanding divine honors – but, someone has to assume it, on account of a take pleasure in reason order deviated perverts.  If I may:  Reese Witherspoon voices a in some degree curvy 50 ft woman.  When she is transported to Gallaxhar’s ship, he dresses her in a skin high black unitard by downhearted glowy strips.  Kind’ve approve a black Tron equipment.  Now, I’fight not endorsing this in any resolved mode of action, but whether a particularly twisted raincoater out in that place had just the right alignment of fetishes (animation, interval suits, Reese Witherspoon, gigantic women) this is a person of consequence like Christmas, New Year’s and Purim happening wholly at once and in IMAX 3-D.

So grab a chest of Gummi Worms, put steady your 3-D glasses, have an air transversely the two shoulders for guys that be turned like the protect of Aqualung and enjoy Monsters Vs. Aliens.

Writing: B-
Direction: B
Performances: B
Visual Appeal: A-
Overall: B

Release Date: March 27, 2009
Studio: Dreamworks/Paramount
Director: Rob Letterman and Conrad Vernon
Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Seth Rogen, Will Arnett, Keifer Sutherland, Rainn Wilson, Hugh Laurie, Paul Rudd, Stephen Colbert
Genre: Animation
MPAA Rating: PG