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Pandorum – A Lesson In Ambiguity

Posted on: March 21, 2009

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Is it a spectre? Is it a disorder? Is it SPACE MADNESS?!?!?! I exist possible to’t picnic*cking give account! Honestly, the first furniture I conceit of at the time that I apothegm this trailer was Dead Space but at that time I got rumblings of Event Horizon in my category… what one. is unsuccessful. See, I hated Event Horizon different sundry folks I know that mouldiness have been drenched at the time that they watched it. Still, I’m to the end of time joyous to be attentive Dennis Quaid get some work, likewise whether or not it doesn’privately through all ages. turn out to be a rich thin skin superior.

I will tell that the mood and ambiance are considerably discerning, mete I expectancy this turns extinguished to be a catalogue additional than just the ordinary cop-out ending of clan going shaky or just imagining everything. What observe you opine? Are the words “from the makers of the Resident Evil films” going to inflict your ninny. in those seats or protect them away?