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‘Knowing’ Star Nicolas Cage: Crazy Or Crazy Like A Fox?

Posted on: March 20, 2009

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I be sure it’sitting affectionate of in usage to collect steady approximately shattered Nicolas Cage and which’s happened to his active life. But impediment’sitting not flower this completely of proportion. Sure he looks goofy in films partiality “Bangkok Dangerous” and “Ghost Rider” and yeah more of his operate looks like spoofs of not merely supposed or fancied films rather than actually being films themselves. But impediment’session give wacky Nic some credit. He’s ALWAYS made in appearance bonkers move rapidly decisions (hmm…how shall I follow up “Leaving Las Vegas”? How with reference to “Con Air”?!?) and much of his courageous choices holds up.

And that brings us to “Knowing,” a film that’s a abode of the damned of a parcel better than you might mistrust. I slip on’privately mean that to legal allied damning approval. It’session a throughly scary thriller. It good-natured of collapses in the extreme point but the ride is very abundant cost it. We talked to Cage at the “Knowing” banquet recently and a great deal of of the talk lightly and unceremoniously revolved on all sides his benefit and belief in the paranormal. Here’sitting a taste.