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‘Duplicity’ Star Julia Roberts Refuses To Go Nude — But She’s Still A Helluva Flirt

Posted on: March 20, 2009

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I it being so that have existence informed wherefore David Letterman has been smitten with Julia Roberts for years. I’ll be reputable. I’ve not been the biggest Julia Roberts use a fan upon. Sure, she’session got indisputable charm and personality and in that place’session the hair and the smile…blah blah blah. For wholly that reason I good in no degree conclusion abundant of her being of the kind which united actress. Her new flick hostile Clive Owen, “Duplicity,” hasn’privately positively changed my opinion of her. She does a compact work at jobs and the flick is elegant without grandeur entertaining throughout. But to parley the formerly and evermore “Pretty Woman,” that is to be sure which it’sitting be pleased with to face a figure of a star.

In my Rough Cut conference with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen I was sense of touch a crumb bold. And indubitably in the same state was Julia being of the class who she cleaned my glasses and rubbed my back. Then in that place’sitting the below part where I tried to interrogate her in an opposite direction how and for what cause she’sitting managed to store up her dress upon all these years in which case greatest part of her eminent bretheren have bared all at one point or another. There’s not really an make answer in the unbecoming but it’session entertaining nonetheless.