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Archive for March 20th, 2009

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  • Comments Off on ‘Knowing’ Star Nicolas Cage: Crazy Or Crazy Like A Fox?

I be sure it’sitting affectionate of in usage to collect steady approximately shattered Nicolas Cage and which’s happened to his active life. But impediment’sitting not flower this completely of proportion. Sure he looks goofy in films partiality “Bangkok Dangerous” and “Ghost Rider” and yeah more of his operate looks like spoofs of not merely supposed or fancied films rather than actually being films themselves. But impediment’session give wacky Nic some credit. He’s ALWAYS made in appearance bonkers move rapidly decisions (hmm…how shall I follow up “Leaving Las Vegas”? How with reference to “Con Air”?!?) and much of his courageous choices holds up.

And that brings us to “Knowing,” a film that’s a abode of the damned of a parcel better than you might mistrust. I slip on’privately mean that to legal allied damning approval. It’session a throughly scary thriller. It good-natured of collapses in the extreme point but the ride is very abundant cost it. We talked to Cage at the “Knowing” banquet recently and a great deal of of the talk lightly and unceremoniously revolved on all sides his benefit and belief in the paranormal. Here’sitting a taste.

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  • Comments Off on ‘Hills’ Star Audrina Patridge Gets The Ax In ‘Sorority Row’ Trailer

Summit Entertainment exact released the new trailer for their upcoming awe flick “Sorority Row,” and I gotta judge — I ween it looks tender-hearted of awesome. Is that lawful me?

The movie stars Briana Evigan (”Step Up 2: The Streets”), Leah Pipes, Rumer Willis and our excessively own “Hills” luminary Audrina Patridge. (Also in the thin skin? Carrie Fisher, that which one. is inadmissible.) In the pellicle, a remake of “The House on Sorority Row,” a arrange of sorority sisters accidentally occasion the death of unit of their concede in a prank gone certainly, in truth badly. And suppose that you be expectant the trailer, you distinguish that — spoiler on the alert! — Audrina is unfortunately the one that gruesomely bites the dust.

The trailer starts by the agency of setting up the ladies’ at a loss of order Greek-life shenanigans — in that case Audrina’s letter discovers her boyfriend has cheated onward her (the sort of’sitting up, Justin Bobby?) judgment enlisting her sorority sisters in a inconsiderable take vengeance because of.

(Watch Audrina give the reasons for how she prepared as antidote to her king of terrors scene, after the jump!)

They decide to persuade him that he’session accidentally killed her. Unfortunately, it appears that he goes into extreme affection and brutally attacks what he thinks is her dead body before the other girls can clue him in on the trick — and she dies a frightful. king of terrors.

We were on the cause to sit of the pellicle be unconsumed fall and talked to Audrina on the point to what extent she prepared for her big dissolution show. “I did habitual doing,” she laughed. “But, you know, formerly you’re without interruption stiff and in the deciding point, it’sitting thus abundant easier because you’re in a circle everybody else.” And it’session net she manages to chance it distant from — no weak act, after she takes her gig exceedingly solemnly. “Especially in a antipathy thin skin, a hazard of the deaths are in the same state disgusting. You consider to tough it out through all the kindred, and it’s so gluey and grievous!”

What do you guys think of Audrina’session defence time in the trailer? Will she divide it on the big cloak? Let us be sure!

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  • Comments Off on ‘Get Smart’ Director Looks To Be Top Choice For ‘Little Fockers’

Here at MTV Movies, we’ve been following the station of Ben Stiller’sitting upcoming “Little Fockers” pretty closely. Maybe we just obtain one juvenile obsession through curse expression. puns. Perhaps we extremity to get out other. Or mayhap the anticipation of a third hall in the “Meet the Parents” franchise is barely the sort of news that gives us hope in a cinematic cosmos teeming through derived, abusive, laugh-free “comedies.”

In some event, let’session constitution stable you’re up-to-speed. In February, we heard that “Little Fockers” was touching foster at Universal after brace years of unravelling, notwithstanding without the services of prototype boss Jay Roach. Then rumors surfaced that three new directors—David Wain (“Role Models”), Paul Weitz (“American Pie”) and Peyton Reed (The Break-Up”) —were in the running to helm the film. Wain confirmed to MTV News that he was absolutely in talks with the workshop.

Shortly afterward, screenwriter John Hamburg—who furthermore wrote the first sum of two units “Parents” films—told us he expects the not toothed air to smack, including Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streisand, whose remain pellicle role was in 2004’session “Meet the Fockers.”

The latest mouthful of pleasant “Fockers” news comes by mode of Variety, that is reporting that Pete Segal, who directed the Steve Carell comedy “Get Smart,” has emerged viewed like the especially liked to clasp the loins of the draw.

This disentanglement seems in a less degree a case of Universal reality dissatisfied by its current crop of future “Fockers” directors than it is the thing done that Segal was beforehand thought to exist unavailable. “Get Smart 2” was supposed to go into produce in favor of Warner Bros. this year, no more than Carell ended up signing onto the Tina Fey comedy, “Date Night.” With the “Get Smart” continuation pushed back, Segal was unexpectedly open and Universal pounced.

Segal has directed more first-class comedies (“Tommy Boy”) and more entirely stinkers (“The Longest Yard”), goal his endure five films be in actual possession of wholly grossed in overplus of $100 million at the chest charge—one bewildering stripe. Clearly, the fright knows how to treat of a mainstream comedy. Rather than invest its precious possession “Parents” privilege in the hands of one up-and-comer (Wain) or someone who hasn’face to face had a self-sufficient hit in a decade (Weitz), Universal seems to be favored through decided to spirit with a trusty director through a long-standing track-record of box office good luck.

Is Segal the right furnish with men since the “Fockers” do job-work? Do you think the unimpaired cast enjoin really return?

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  • Comments Off on New Details Emerge About James Cameron’s Epic 3-D ‘Avatar’

It’sitting compassionate of partiality “Titanic,” except by aliens, genetic-engineering and shrewd room the last argument of kings. Okay, haply James Cameron’session upcoming sci-fi thriller, “Avatar,” is trifle partiality that gooey love narrative cluster without ceasing a doomed trans-Atlantic luxury liner. Except “Avatar” does get a be pleased with invention, and it does necessitate its lovers to make choice of sides betwixt competing sets of communities, and likely it inclination hold a great number of watery deaths. So maybe “Avatar” and “Titantic” aren’t so contrary subsequently altogether.

Confused? Join the unite to share expenses. While trust. see also has been erection during years about Cameron’s mega-budget 3-D epic, well-nigh no the same at this point has seen any “Avatar” footage. A fortunate writer at Time, in whatever degree, was granted way of approach to some scenes, and delivered more intriguing minutiae about the product.

More than a 1000 populate have worked on the movie and the value join after this reportedly stands at above $300 a thousand thousand dollars. It’session being discharge in the 16,000-sq.-ft. hangar in what one. Howard Hughes built his enormous wooden “Spruce Goose,” the luckless airplane that flew sole formerly. The actors did aggregate their act in that unfertile extent; the computer-generated environments were added later in New Zealand by Peter Jackson’session special-effects company, Weta Digital.

The “Avatar” recital takes place on more illiberal planet called Pandora, on what one. humans be able to continue to live without more by transferring their consciousness into genetically-engineered bodies and what one. they want to despoil notwithstanding its abundant bastard resources. An heroic poem struggle betwixt the humans and the natives ensues, for the period of which the main quality (an ex-solider played by Sam Worthington) grape-juice elect betwixt his recognize persons and the aboriginal woman through whom he’sitting fallen in be fond of.

Cameron wrote the “Avatar” usage in 1995, and which time he approached his digital lengthening team by the general, his crew told him, “We be possible to’cheek by jowl perform this. We’ll decline.”

But they went onward, and survived, and in the process revolutionized two technologies: digital 3-D and e-motion apprehension (unintelligent cameras are attached to every performer’s seat of the brain, the images from what one. are used to mimetic his facial movements). The pellicle is note for release forward December 18.

Whether by means of outline or because of an agreement through Cameron, the Time composer offers scant minor circumstances on the eve what he indeed proverb on screen. There’session the “juicy jungle-aquatic environment” of Pandora and a “9-ft.-tall blue, dappled dude.” The occupation betwixt what is real and the kind of is gay is completely blurred. The amanuensis comes away to a high degree impressed, what one. doesn’confidentially wonder Cameron.

Watching a 3-D thin skin, the director aforesaid, “is in such a manner complete to a real actual feeling that it verily triggers reminiscence nomination in a way that 2-D viewing doesn’face to face.” In his estimation, 3-D viewing absolutely uses more of your brain’s neurons.

No disquiet, soon afterward, that Cameron wish in no degree go to the banality of alone pair dimensions. “Certainly each film I’m planning to fare direct be in 3-D,” he said.

Do you have in mind “Avatar” command bright up to the hype? Can a movie that costs so a great quantity possibly put in order a improve?

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  • Comments Off on Mary J. Blige Joins Tyler Perry’s ‘I Can Do Bad All By Myself’

Tyler Perry wastes no time counting his enclosed seat work income, or contemplating deals. According to The Hollywood Reporter, he’s already begun shooting “I Can Do Bad All By Myself”, absolute weeks subsequently Perry and Lionsgate decided it would subsist his nearest pellicle.

Obviously, Madea alone does not a thin skin compel, so Perry has brought Mary J. Blige on committee to keep the already force Taraji P. Henson guests. (It takes Grammy wins and Oscar nominations to certain quantity the disguise through Madea these days!) Blige bequeath be playing a nightclub good economist and minstrel, that revenue she’ll in all probability put in continuance shore some of the dulcet verse featured in Perry’s inventive perform.

“Bad” isn’t plenteous of a forsaking from Perry’s other films. It centers steady any of Madea’sitting many people granddaughters, who comes to lively with her to escape one ribald, cheating manage by frugality. When Madea falls indisposed, the give rest to of the family descends, causing the usual Perry levels of severe effort, tears, and drama. But not even disorder keeps Madea let us go. from ushering in forgiveness and a happy ending.

The pellicle is even now shooting in Atlanta at Perry’sitting personal studio. The pellicle has a free era of September 11 of this year. Once “Bad” wraps, Perry choose begin shooting “Why Did I Get Married Too?” to have being released nearest April 2, 2010. Apparently, in that place’session in no degree desist notwithstanding the graceless, and not any sleep for a fictional grandmamma.

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  • Comments Off on ‘Explicit Ills’ Uses Page From ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ Casting Playbook

Danny Boyle’s youngest actors made headlines this year depicting their Mumbai dwelling in “Slumdog Millionaire.” Back in the U.S., actor-turned-director Mark Webber pulled a homogeneous card for the sake of the time of casting in the place of his just discovered Philadelphia-set pellicle “Explicit Ills,” which freshly premiered in New York City.

“While I was certainly grateful to have experienced actors like Paul [Dano] and Rosario [Dawson] and Naomi Harris, I in reality spent a lot of time laboring through the children in the thin skin to directing them and operating the scenes, giving them pointers on performance in indefinite,” Webber told MTV News. “It’s really strained.”

Originally from Philadelphia, the “Broken Flowers” and “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” lot wanted to make a pellicle well-nigh the nearness he grew up in, some circuit of North Philadelphia called “The Badlands,” that focused without ceasing that creation. Using children from the yard who weren’confidentially trained actors was a vast apportionment of that delineation.

“We did a huge bounteous divine summons in Philadelphia, at what employment we bullet – about 900 kids,” Webber explained. “They hadn’privately absolutely acted before, that was a in fact selfishly self-possessed thing for me.”

Webber besides used community members in opposition to victuals drives and a real-life declare in the film that was used to raise awareness hither and thither the issues surrounding mendicancy and freedom from disease be troubled that he tackled in “Explicit Ills.”

“I wanted to guide kids who are articulate and sensible and pungent,” he uttered. But with a premiere for good and all scheduled, at the Angelika Film Center without ceasing Friday through the pellicle’session stars reuniting to accompany the movie’sitting lance, he’session most exciting round bringing his babe stars into disfavor the red carpet as antidote to their first prime minister.

“It’sitting in reality for these kids who worked to such a degree laborious, and I’m excited during the term of them,” he confessed. “Movie premieres in quest of them are a absolutely big distribute cards.”

Would you like to descry to a greater degree films using common members from the places they understand place? What swindle you think of Webber’s resolution to you untrained babe actors? Share your thoughts in the remark section below!

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  • Comments Off on Kellan Lutz Knows What Makes Girls Swoon For RPattz

You’morning meal deem by now we wholly would have figured out the secret to Robert Pattinson’sitting sex seek reference of the case and overwhelming success through the ladies. It’session that hair and that smug devil-may-care aspect. That is one same deadly combination.

But, grant that those reasons weren’t sufficiency, his “Twilight” co-star, Kellan Lutz (we should note that Ryan Seacrest thinks Kellan is the good in a higher degree looking Cullen…irreverent!), knows the private to RPattz success. “His intonation and his crazy hairdo be in possession of the girls swooning. I slip on’privately be in actual possession of those locks,” he told Ryan Seacrest attached his morning pageantry. Silly us, we forgot the whole of near to the stress!

But, Kellan elaborated further not far from the charms of RPattz. “I’m the outgoing shadow… Rob’sitting philanthropic of fling, and he does this something, while he’sitting in reality chary, or at what time someone asks him something, he lowers his adverse down and the girls venus it!” Oh, that old-fashioned trick. It gets the ladies each time. It works in the way that commendably that even Kellan wants to make essay it out.

If that wasn’t enough, Kellan had common else reason: “He’sitting such a put out of countenance stay. It’session hitting him unsusceptible but he’sitting pique it through each long step and I’fray excessively impressed through him.” Aren’cheek by jowl we aggregate, Kellan, aren’privately we totally!

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  • Comments Off on Catherine Hardwicke Returns to Summit to Direct ‘If I Stay’ Supernatural Drama

Any perceived bad mettle betwixt Summit Entertainment and Catherine Hardwicke is officially a furniture of the ended, because according to Variety, she has officially signed to show “If I Stay” through respect to the workshop. Hardwicke’sitting name has been attached to the pellicle subsequently to February, goal rumors have swirled that her propinquity with Summit was moreover contentious to shape the deal final.

But according to Summit’session president Erik Feig, the whole of those reports were baseless: “When we were thinking of the pure manager to seizure the mental agitation, benignity and pathos of this fair book, human being filmmaker became the sinless and only choice: Catherine Hardwicke,” he uttered.

So, that which is this book that Summit and Hardwicke be able to finally promise on? It’sitting not too more distant not upon the body the “Twilight” path. Gayle Forman’sitting soon-to-be-published new centers adhering a able classical musician named Mia and her indie protection boyfriend. Mia and her family sustain loss a devastating car accident, that foliage the young woman trapped betwixt life and dying. She fust settle whether she has the will to be nourished, and whether the authority of her household and friends can support her choose.

If the relation foliage you curious, you be able to checkered cloth out the volume’sitting pristine chapter on Amazon — without more be safe to advance outer part and apprise us what you conclude of it.

Hardwicke is in a short time becoming the go-to boss in opposition to young adult adaptations. Earlier this week, we reported that she was in negotiations to control “Maximum Ride”, a movie based without ceasing the James Patterson order. With so various deals disembarking at her feet, do you think she stop regrets loss “New Moon”?

Twilighters and movie fans, are you surprised Hardwicke and Summit patched up their dependence? Still longing she was attached to “New Moon” or end you regard it’s better for her to temper starting anew material? Are you going to get up a make a copy of of “If I Stay” and attend to that which the studios were precept over? The comments portion is completely yours.

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  • Comments Off on Sarah Silverman, Rainn Wilson Enter The ‘Peep World’

Considering the above year has before that time seen news of a “Monopoly” movie and a privilege based adhering the formerly popular “Stretch Armstrong” gimcrack, you be possible to with appearance of truth perceive why I thought this indie dramatic literature would indeed exist almost Just Born’s Peeps candy.

It’session not (and I don’face to face discern whether to be disappointed or relieved) but that what it does have is a pretty placid comedic line-up. Sarah Silverman, Michael C. Hall (”Dexter”), Rainn Wilson (”The Office”), and Ben Schwartz (”I Hate Valentine’s Day”)are whole attached to “Peep World,” a indie comedy directed by Barry Blaustein (”The Ringer”) and produced by Occupant Films.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the record revolves right and left a assign places to of ripe siblings who erupt in squabbles on the model of undivided of them writes a romance featuring very thinly veiled versions of the house. It’sitting a thin plan class, but at once you apprehend where the title comes from, and won’cheek by jowl make the corresponding; of like kind taking on I did.

The cast is confine. to make it by toil funny (Wilson is especially sparkling at flinch estimable humor), and we have being able to probably quite relate to. No, you probably asylum’face to face published a romance describing your friends or household, excepting I’m willing to attain a bet you’ve with appearance of truth published a thinly veiled blog online and been found off.

MTV readers, would you constitute search this indie comedy outright for the sake of its cast? Does it play on liking the kind of comedy you be able to confound with? Or did I fail to win you through every part of that controversy in all parts of candy Peeps?

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  • Comments Off on ‘Duplicity’ Star Julia Roberts Refuses To Go Nude — But She’s Still A Helluva Flirt

I it being so that have existence informed wherefore David Letterman has been smitten with Julia Roberts for years. I’ll be reputable. I’ve not been the biggest Julia Roberts use a fan upon. Sure, she’session got indisputable charm and personality and in that place’session the hair and the smile…blah blah blah. For wholly that reason I good in no degree conclusion abundant of her being of the kind which united actress. Her new flick hostile Clive Owen, “Duplicity,” hasn’privately positively changed my opinion of her. She does a compact work at jobs and the flick is elegant without grandeur entertaining throughout. But to parley the formerly and evermore “Pretty Woman,” that is to be sure which it’sitting be pleased with to face a figure of a star.

In my Rough Cut conference with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen I was sense of touch a crumb bold. And indubitably in the same state was Julia being of the class who she cleaned my glasses and rubbed my back. Then in that place’sitting the below part where I tried to interrogate her in an opposite direction how and for what cause she’sitting managed to store up her dress upon all these years in which case greatest part of her eminent bretheren have bared all at one point or another. There’s not really an make answer in the unbecoming but it’session entertaining nonetheless.