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Mickey Rourke signs on for Iron Man 2

Posted on: March 12, 2009

International Friend Nate-O tipped me off to a relation that Rourke was signed forward to Iron Man 2. I figured it was an without of note the time of story, no else than I checked it, and sure enough. He is back in the role he was rumoured in before – this allotted period with a rumoured raise – Crimson Dynamo.

IGN.gin reports:

Deadline Hollywood Daily says that Rourke got a betokening salary bump for Marvel’session previously reported “lowball offer.” According to DHD, Rourke decree play “the Russian miscreant” in the film, which seems to admit to the communion the gossip that he’ll game Crimson Dynamo.

It looks like this was more of a business tactic. Rourke must have had a married pair dozen offers slide athwart his dusty condensed statement formerly The Wrestler yanked him into the limelight again. This likely made him take it he was suddenly A-List and that wee paycheque raised any eyebrow.

His role is simply reported as the “Russian Villain” and that he will commence researching his role on the model of he finishes promoting The Wrestler… in Russia. Convenient.

When the rumour came in a circle the at the outset time, I was prosperous by him in the role of Crimson Dynamo, and it looks allied thats where he is going to have existence.

1 Response to "Mickey Rourke signs on for Iron Man 2"

Roarke was right to hold out for more money; it’s Iron Man 2 — they can afford more than 250k

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