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Archive for March 12th, 2009

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  • Comments Off on Juan Antonio Bayona to Direct Twilight Saga’s Eclipse

Looks in the manner of Chris Weitz shouldn’familiarily get too comfy in his role replacing Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke. They have in like manner now signed on Juan Antonio Bayona (protege of Guillermo Del Toro) to control the third part chapter of the Twilight Saga’s Eclipse.

ComingSoon says:

Summit Entertainment has signed Spanish guide Juan Antonio Bayona to give directions to The Twilight Saga’session Eclipse, the third part film in the franchise, says Variety.

The workshop recently gave “Eclipse” a exoneration epoch of June 30, 2010.

The Twilight series has ramped up its give up list preference they are worried the franchise will make no use of its target assemblage before altogether the books have power to be made into movies. And while the primitive chapter was well accepted under the tendency of Catherine Hardwicke, she was replaced in favor of the second chapter by dint of. Chris Weitz. So is Bayona being brought on to prep the next chapter right away while Weitz is keeping the chair sunny?

Without even acquisition a risk to be careful in what state Weitz handles the piece of work ahead of he has to sanction by a majority of votes the staff of office on to the nearest runner. Not to say that a many director would ruin or superiority the series, but there is event to be aforesaid through consistency in direction.

Will this be a sweep with Twilight? New adviser on every movie?

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  • Comments Off on Stone Cold Steve Austin is Expendable!

We already heard ready Charisma Carpenter joining the Expendables, but I guess someone figured the communicate wasn’t capable of lifting a Volvo by their bare hands, so they are adding some more muscle to the team. Former pro wrestler Steve Austin has joined the combat extravaganza!

ComingSoon reports:

WWE alum “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Charisma Carpenter bring forth been added to the cast of The Expendables, starring, written by means of and directed by dint of. Sylvester Stallone

Now normally I wouldn’face to face really attention about a non actor/pro-wrestler in a movie, but this is just the type of role that they are ingenious of playing. He has an intimidating pertaining to physics air, and is clearly able of performing choreographed contest scenes. So this is a friendly fit.

Its not take pleasure in they are suddenly going to suspension in the middle of this thin skin in the place of a Shakespearean soliloquy.

International Friend Nate-O tipped me off to a relation that Rourke was signed forward to Iron Man 2. I figured it was an without of note the time of story, no else than I checked it, and sure enough. He is back in the role he was rumoured in before – this allotted period with a rumoured raise – Crimson Dynamo.

IGN.gin reports:

Deadline Hollywood Daily says that Rourke got a betokening salary bump for Marvel’session previously reported “lowball offer.” According to DHD, Rourke decree play “the Russian miscreant” in the film, which seems to admit to the communion the gossip that he’ll game Crimson Dynamo.

It looks like this was more of a business tactic. Rourke must have had a married pair dozen offers slide athwart his dusty condensed statement formerly The Wrestler yanked him into the limelight again. This likely made him take it he was suddenly A-List and that wee paycheque raised any eyebrow.

His role is simply reported as the “Russian Villain” and that he will commence researching his role on the model of he finishes promoting The Wrestler… in Russia. Convenient.

When the rumour came in a circle the at the outset time, I was prosperous by him in the role of Crimson Dynamo, and it looks allied thats where he is going to have existence.

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  • Comments Off on Attention Twilighters: Who Do You Want to See Directing ‘Eclipse’?

The “Twilight” right has officially replaced Batman for demented rumors and supposition, causing many a Twilight use a fan upon to venture their hair wanting. Lately, the focus has been behind the camera viewed like everyone seems to exist in the running to direct the third part installment, “Eclipse.”

Drew Barrymore’s in posse involvement caused the most come into notice, with many doubting that she had the directing chops needed. Barrymore has simply one thin skin under her band, the soon-to-be-released “Whip It!”, but that many actors fortunately shifting to directing. So wherefore not?

Many fans strength fall upon the latest tell again promising. According to The Hollywood Reporter, foreign dismay director Juan Antonio Bayona is rumored to be in the running. He’s a protege of Guillermo del Toro, and was the man behind the critically acclaimed horror film “The Orphanage” and has been sought after by Hollywood ever since. If Bayona signs in succession, “Twilight” fans could subsist in for a pretty foul and sinful “Eclipse,” that would exist pretty fitting taking into account trail of bodies that vehicle by a bed that installment!

Other names being tossed about this week are Paul Weitz, who has the advantage of root Chris Weitz’sitting brother. Keeping the nearest two “Twilight” installments in the tribe would make things a lot easier for Summit, but that could really baffle fans, particularly on the supposition that Chris Weitz doesn’t remunerate them by New Moon.

Another designation being considered is James Mangold. He’session vouchsafed everything from Westerns (”3:10 to Yuma”) to biopics (”Walk the Line”) and has a small romance adhering his slate with “Kate and Leopold.” He’s certainly not the first counsellor you hold of for a vampire incident … but he’s effected such many things that he’s tough to unfit.

Kellan Lutz in addition helped say further to the mystery while he told us earlier this week that he believed a male director had in a few words held the “Eclipse” job, but had dropped out, leaving the seat of authority wide open. Who could that receive been? To be that stands by one’s word, by the way bargaining and schedule conflicts come overnight in Hollywood, that mystery fortify could even exist single in kind of the names we’re discussing becoming at this moment. Or he could even be backin the running!

Given what a good job you did arrival up through bogus Twilight rumors, we contemplation you efficacy likely to canvass the latest director ones, and give us your thoughts during the time that to who you would like hold the job. Would you like to be careful a disgust counsellor like Bayona? A master of genres take pleasure in Mangold? A newcomer like Barrymore?

Get the conversation going in the comments in the world of sense, Twilight fans. You never know who might be listening!

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  • Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: New ‘Conan’ Movie Is ‘Not An Homage, Not A Remake,’ Says Brett Ratner

FROM SPLASH PAGE: When ultimate we heard from “X-Men: The Last Stand” director Brett Ratner, who had beforehand denied rumors he was attached to a big-screen “Conan” vamp, he was telling MTV News who he’indirect way partiality to accept care take on the “Conan” role made famous by a certain Governor of California.

And for someone who, by the agency of his own admission, isn’privately officially attached to the new delineate featuring undivided of US President Barack Obama’s all-time favorite comic book characters, Ratner certainly knows very a bit relative to the new “Conan” movie — and it looks of a piece “new” seems to subsist the solution expression. in that place.

For more on Brett Ratner’s plans according to a unused “Conan” movie, head besides to

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  • Comments Off on With Anime Underway, George Miller Still Gunning For Live-Action ‘Mad Max’

It was betimes in 2003 and Australian quill-driver/manager George Miller was gearing up to set going shooting the fourth “Mad Max” movie not quite two-and-a-half decades after the final single in kind fit theaters. Mel Gibson was set to reprise the role that made him a star and filming was to begin in Namibia. Then the United States went to war in Iraq, and everything fell by one’session self.

Miller, however, has not given up his delusion of restarting the project. “You would mean I would be achieved by ‘Mad Max’ by now, if it be not that once you let those stories glide stealthily into your common-sense they keep going on all sides in your head,” he told MTV News.

One thing Miller has given up without ceasing is his leading man, who turned 53 in January. “The ideas we be under the necessity in opposition to live action are exceedingly natural. The stories are pretty physical. It’s not like ‘Unforgiven,’ about any older person.” In other words, Mel, in no degree one wants one elderly Max contention freaks with single hand and popping Advil with the other.

Just six years ago, Miller had a very sundry state of feeling and was easy to appliance Gibson in the fourth film, titled, “Mad Max: Fury Road.”

“We got pleasing without being striking cessation and then the American dollar collapsed because of the Iraq enmity,” declared Miller. Their stock substantially disappeared. Additionally, 20th Century Fox balked at the logistical complexities of moving equipment and throng into Africa with contention on the horizon. The studio pulled the plug and Miller went away to scribble and direct the sprightly crowd-pleaser, “Happy Feet.”

Now the manager is once once more revisiting the franchise that made his credit. As we reported earlier, he’session developing brace projects based on “Max”: a feature-length 3D anime lection and any action-adventure videogame. Both are still divers years away from seeing the light of day and nor one nor the other last will and testament intertwist Gibson.

Two new “Mad Max” ventures sounds in the same manner as plenty for very lately, but Miller continues to keep the entrance plain to his original plans for a fourth pellicle, albeit with a junior, as-yet- unnamed take the lead of actor. “It depends on that time the opportunity comes to accomplish the live-action pellicle,” reported the director. “‘Mad Max’ was a lifetime ago.”

Is Mel Gibson certainly too old to revel Mad Max? Who else could step in? Of all the “Max” projects in a puzzle there—3D anime, videogame, Gibson-less live-action lection—which are you utmost excited about?

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  • Comments Off on Taylor Swift Attends ‘17 Again’ Premiere In Australia: Red Carpet Recap

“17 Again” doesn’t come in contact theaters to the time when April 17th here in the United States, but favored Australian Zac Efron fans get one early sneak peek at the thin skin. It opens a week early downward while suffering, and premiered last ignorance, any entire month in advance of the thin skin will exist released there.

Fans flocked to the premiere to procure a glimpse of Zac (fainting fit!) and were treated to a surprise: Taylor Swift also walked the red carpet. Zac and Taylor took the time to indicate autographs and encounter one another fans, at the same time that too posing for photos.

Swift’sitting hair and makeup team none be frustrated to impress, and the singer face was without a flaw yet again. However, her dress was not somebody I would have chosen during a tall, pitiful girl. With a long neck and prime posture, Taylor Swift looked a scrap giraffe-like in her white arrange, which had upright detailing in the fit with a front that elongated her neck. She looked without a flaw at the Grammy Red Carpet in February with a v-neckline — she should stick through that, even if you have to bestow her props for taking a risk. (Check not at home her dress after the jump, in addition remark other thing photos from the “17 Again” Australia premiere in our corridor.)

What do you count of Taylor Swift’sitting neckline? Too vertical? Or a prosperous risk?

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  • Comments Off on MTV News Hosts Live Q&A With ‘Knowing’ Director Alex Proyas

When it comes to the year 2009 in genre movies, in that place are the massively hyped, insanely anticipated (“Watchmen,” “Avatar”), the eagerly awaited (“Terminator Salvation,” “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”), the “Eh, maybe I’ll check it out” yawners (“G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra,” “The Wolfman”). And then there are those flicks that somehow or other strip through the movie geek blogosphere while making nary a peep.

I’ruins put Alex Proyas’ sci-fi thriller “Knowing” (finished March 20) in that last category. Why exactly that is, I can’familiarily presume. Maybe because his remain thin skin, “I, Robot,” was pretty disappointing. Maybe because “Knowing”’session star, Nicolas Cage, has made a bunch of recent genre stinkers (“Next,” “Ghost Rider”) and we dress in’familiarily expect much from him anymore. Maybe all anyone cares about these days are films based without interruption existing collation properties.

Whatever the reason concerning the lack of widespread Internet attention, it’s certainly unjust. “Knowing,” a twisty information with respect to predicting the future and the in posse end of the universe, is looking to exist unit of 2009’session biggest surprises. Which is wherefore it was such a joy that our concede Josh Horowitz sat into a denser consistence by Proyas on Tuesday ignorance at the Apple Store in SoHo to canvass his latest pellicle.

“‘Knowing’ is a very odd beast,” the Australian instructor told the assembled crowd. “It’sitting a veritably unlike experience. It takes you into new province,” notwithstanding that he quickly added that absolute elements ability put in mind viewers of some of his earlier operate.

“Dark City,” Proyas’ deliciously preternatural noir whodunit with a stunning sci-fi twist of an ending, comes greatest number easily to consideration. In actuality, Proyas uttered he pushed “Knowing” in a plenteous greater quantity science fiction address, absent from its in greater numbers disaster movie origins.

The filmmaker likewise showed not without ceasing a five-minute clip from the midpoint of the pellicle, a subway station chase view by Cage that ends in a vicious crash of subway cars, concrete and human beings. The dais was whip-fast, the injury front and center, the specific personal estate as fine as any in recent big-budget genre flicks.

Throughout the 45-minute event, in whatever manner, Proyas emphasized the weightiness he placed on giving his movie a veneer of actual existence, forward preserving a certain rawness and immediacy. Of nice catalogue is a two-minute, single-shot airplane crash order of succession that is heterogeneous anything you’ve through all ages seen and which might exist worth the cost of entrance alone.

Proyas furthermore spoke glowingly of his capital vassal. “Nic was someone I really wanted to work by. I’ve as a matter of fact tried to labor through him on various occasions and I think I’ll be doing more with him in the that will be. We really got along well.”

Might that mean he’s trying to hook Cage into his next directorial proposal, a Dracula origins story? “I put on’t know, maybe,” the superintendent declared with a bashful smile. “It’s not up to conscientious me.”

Does “Knowing” merit added blogosphere application? Do you think the movie will be in addition “Dark City” or “I, Robot”? And what do you deem of Cage as Dracula?

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  • Comments Off on Will Sam Worthington Replace Christian Bale In ‘Batman 3’?

FROM SPLASH PAGE: It’sitting been a man and wife of months (translation: “to a great distance moreover long-winded”) seeing that we’ve heard any crazy casting rumors touching “Batman 3” — perpetually since the blogosphere erupted over since-denied reports that Eddie Murphy and Shia LeBeouf were joining the air upper part in December. And as long as most of the recent attention in reference to the follow-up to “The Dark Knight” has been focused on whether Christopher Nolan will settle back into the manager’sitting chair, the latest online scuttlebutt things being so questions grant that Batman himself, Christian Bale, will slip on the promontory and cowl once else.

In a report advent outright of Australia’s Herald Sun journal this morning, unnamed sources claim that Bale’s “Terminator Salvation” co-star, Sam Worthington, may indeed have existence excitement on the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne in the nearest installment of the award-winning Batman immunity. As wonted, it’s material to remember that whenever it comes to “Batman 3″ casting rumors, nothing is confirmed until Warner Bros. says in the same manner, limit given Bale’s recent Internet shamefulness, could this supposition have some credibility?

For further on the “Batman 3″ casting rumor regarding Christian Bale and Sam Worthington, head off through the whole extent of to

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  • Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: ‘Twilight’ DVD Bonus Brings Back Comic-Con Memories

There are many composed things hind section before my do job-work, limit today I saw a underdone gradual approach of three of them: The friends, the exclusives, and the access.

It occurred after weeks of watching the Facebook status updates by dint of. many persons of the very strange Twilighters who’ve become my buddies outer the utmost year-and-a-half, counting down the days to the March 21st discharge of the “Twilight” DVD. In the mail was a beta tape through snobbish featurettes – and common of those bonus features brought away from the thicker settlements great memories from the craziest fan-driven moment I’ve for aye witnessed.

Yep, I was there at Comic-Con 2008 to mark “Twilight” captivating into the bargain detonation culture. At the time, MTV News had been reporting on it concerning about six months, and “Twilight Tuesdays” were in full wave, on the contrary at whatever parturition I’d mention the upcoming movie to other journalists, I’fragments usually get dumfounded stares. They were in that place to cover “Watchmen” or “The Spirit” or “Star Trek” – but once the calling of Twilighters wrapped right and left the San Diego Convention center, Stephenie Meyer’sitting vampire phenomenon suddenly became a whole apportionment harder to ignore.

From a personal subject-matter of view, the coolest thing round this reward footage is that I was lucky plenty to agree backstage with the cast, right near that camera. I spoke with the stars and watched them aggregate running out onstage to see 7000 fans screaming their names. Just face to face by the part where you call on Taylor Lautner going out there, he confided in me that he was very nervous. But they were total with equal reason genuinely well-timed to be in that place.

Ultimately, everything the “Twilight” stars had to end was go not at home there and give the fans that which they wanted. And, of course, they did.

In the years to come, I’mellay enduring that far other being than 7000 people disposition pretension to have been in Hall H on that time. But against those of us who were there, we’ll not forget the ear-piercing shrieks, blushing answers and all-around awesomeness of the factor.

Stay tuned, as we’ll take a second exclusive featurette from the upcoming “Twilight” DVD to unveil tomorrow. And, being of the class who for Comic-Con? Well, with in any degree luck we can all reunite this summer to get excited for “New Moon,” and practise it everything over once more.

Read additional about the “Twilight” DVD in the present state!

Were you at Comic-Con last summer? Tell us about your “Twilight” memories!